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honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive |
honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive | bees at the upper entrance, winter |
bees at the upper entrance, winter | honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive |
honey bees approaching the hive close up | honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive |
honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees bearding |
honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive |
honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees bearding |
bees at the hive entrance | honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive |
bees in the air | bees in the air | honey bees approaching the hive |
honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive | honey bees approaching the hive |
honey bee approaching the hive | bees fanning at the hive entrance | bees at the hive entrance |
bees at the hive entrance | bees at the hive entrance | bees at the hive entrance |
bees fanning at the hive entrance | bee fanning at the hive entrance | bees at the hive entrance |
You can learn much by observing bees at the hive entrance. Are they bringing in pollen, propolis or are they so loaded with nectar they crash land? Are they orienting to the hive before their first foraging expedition or kicking out drones for the coming winter?
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