Also known as a Cut Out
On August 23, 2015, I got a call about a swarm that had settled on the side of a house and built comb. The homeowners (Bill and Margaret) wanted the bees safely removed. I offered to do the cut out with the help of Debbie Hutchings (Debbee's Bees). We also enlisted the help of Caroline Bergeron who took these lovely photos. The bees were safely moved to a hive in my yard. Their comb was the most beautiful shape, described by someone I know as looking curvy "like a Ferari!" I hope you enjoy this annotated slide show!

We arrived to see this beautiful creation just under the eaves

The comb was lovely to look at, like the pages of a book. We discovered the bees had only started building it 3 weeks earlier

The queen is laying and the bees are bringing in pollen and nectar and the colony now has a really great chance of making it through the winter. Many thanks to Bill and Margaret - you were consumate bee hosts! And to Caroline for documenting the day and providing a helping hand and a big smile. And of course to Debbie, who helped me smoothly through my first cut out with care and laughter.

We arrived to see this beautiful creation just under the eaves